Penthouse C/Claudio Coello
August 2022
An attic space where the entrance and capture of natural light is emphasized, introducing it into the interior rooms of the house through lacquered iron and glass locksmith filters that allow acoustic differentiation of the rooms and with which the free height of 4, 5m at its highest point.
As it is a comprehensive rehabilitation for a potential rental, the actions must be restrained, effective and with a neutral character.
The existing corridor is reduced to its minimum expression, becoming a distributor that blends with the spaces it serves and doubles its spatiality and luminosity with the use of mirrors.
An attic space where the emphasis is placed on the penetration and capture of natural light, introducing it into the interior rooms of the house through lacquered iron and glass filters that allow acoustically differentiate the rooms and with which the free height of 4.5m at its highest point is enhanced.
As this is a fully refurbishment for a potential rental, the interventions have to be moderate, efficient and neutral in character.
The existing corridor is reduced to its minimum expression becoming a distributor that merges with the spaces it serves and doubles its spatiality and luminosity with the use of mirrors.